Carolina, Food, Nostalgia, Parenting, Stuff We Love

Weekly Writing Challenge: Golden Years

For this week’s writing challenge, we’re asking you to explore what age means to you. 

Just last month we celebrated my baby’s 1st b-day, and for the next few months we begin the birthday celebration of my posse, including mine.  When time permits, we love celebrating our birthdays together.  I never thought much about this milestone until this year.  I am not hitting a major birthday year ending in a zero, but I am hoping all of my life experiences will help me guide my little one to be an engaged young lady.  I secretly have aspirations for her, but I know it will be up to her to decide what she wants to do with her life.

Knowing that she has so many choices and opportunities awaiting her, I hope I will be able to give her the advice to help her navigate through her life journey. I know that the challenges she will face in her childhood will be very different from mine.  In my opinion, one of the biggest differences is that she will have the great fortune of incorporating technology in her daily life.  But, I also think it is a downfall, as it makes life so much more complicated.  I would love to isolate my little one from using technology, but it is everywhere.  I have noticed that many of her toys have a built-in technological feature.  And, she seems to gravitate towards these toys instead of the traditional ones – ring stacking toy, shape box toy, xylophone toy, etc.  I am also learning from other moms that there are so many interactive software applications on the handheld electronic tablets and smart phones to help ease a parent from a bored child.   I know that there are parents who are facing the issue of establishing “computer time” for their child.  But, is that enough?

Growing up, my childhood seemed so much simpler and I have very fond memories of all the fun I created.  I played outside in the neighborhood with my childhood friends – chase master, bike rides, hopscotch, drawing on the sidewalks, or jumped rope.  Now, kids are focused on a small electronic device in the palm of their hands.  Instead of looking up and exploring what is happening around them, they are simply looking at it through the view of a small screen.  I am guilty of using my smart phone for capturing precious moments to share with my family and friends.  But, when I am with my little one, I try to be mindful to not glance at my phone.  I know in time she will show me how to use the newest electronic gadget to perhaps enhance my lifestyle or perhaps hinder my appreciation for life.  I think youth are able to quickly gather information at their fingertips with modern technology and I hope it does help us advance and find solutions to unresolved problems or illnesses.  I just need to understand how to incorporate the modern technology we live in and help my little one enjoy her childhood, too.  I guess in a way, I am being selfish and I don’t want her to grow up to quickly.

WWC: Golden Years


  1. Pingback: The Elders of Us | Wired With Words

  2. I think my 3 year old knows more about computers and technology than I did at age 13 (minus the whole typing thing)

    • Yeah I hear you. I have seen my friends 2 year old turn on the DVD to watch her favorite movie. It’s amazing how quickly they know how to navigate through technology.

  3. My daughter also knows how to use an iPad and iPhone very well at almost 2 yrs old. I try to limit it to learning time and get her to be more active without it.

    • I hear there are new apps for having kids be actively learning than just sitting behind the screen and being passive.

  4. My son almost knows how to use my phone better than I do! Though, I try to limit his time and, when he is on it, I make sure he at least plays educational games.

    • yes, i am hearing that there are more and more educational games. i am going to keep my eyes open for them.

  5. Ah every parent can somewhat relate, I am sure. 🙂 Your description of your childhood made me smile, that’s similar to my own.

  6. My kids are 9,8 and 5 and they love their screens. But because I’ve always limited their screen time, they’re also really good at playing with each other and with old-fashioned toys like Legos. You just have to find a balance.

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