Month: October 2014

#100happydays Challenge

In July, a flurry of posts on my Facebook newsfeed regarding the origin behind the #100happydays phenomenon caught my interest.  I vaguely remember hearing months beforehand that some of my friends were going to participate in this challenge.  I didn’t pay too much attention, but as my Facebook newsfeed kept popping up with the #100happydays story, I decided to head over to their website and check it out. I was surprised at the simplicity of the website:  But it makes perfect sense.  Happiness is simplicity.  The less noise and distraction the easier it is to understand the information presented to you.  The gist of the exercise is to post for 100 consecutive days through a social media outlet of your choice (Facebook, Twitter or Instagram) one thing that made you happy that day. I decided to use my Twitter account to record the 100 things that made me happy. Well, I am happy to report that I have successfully completed my #100happydays challenge.  I was afraid I would be part of the 71% of people that started but did not complete …