Month: September 2013

October Photo Challenge

We love photo challenges, but none of us have ever seen one through to the end, so what better way to actually finish one than to host it and invite friends to join in on the fun? This is our first attempt and we’re excited. It took us awhile to figure out the daily prompts, so we hope you’ll jump into the challenge with us! If you’ve never done a photo challenge before, it’s okay. The instructions are simple: Take a photo that speaks to your artistic interpretation of the daily prompt Upload it on your favorite social media site (Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, your blog, Google+, etc.) Add the day, prompt, and the hashtag #hgphotoaday Post/Publish it. If you miss a day or more, not to worry. Just jump right back in when you can. Although some of the prompts are in local-speak, they are universal, so if you don’t understand something, we’re more than happy to translate. Just let us know. Now, charge up your phones and let’s get this photo challenge party started!

Run Baby Run!

Last summer, a milestone I set for myself was completing the Kona Half Marathon. The weekend prior to the Kona Half Marathon, JQ, Rogene and I biked the half marathon course at the crack of dawn.  We started super early to have it coincide with the time of the race, and were blessed with cool breeze.  The morning ride took us past the half marathon course to the Honokohau Marina and Small Boat Harbor.  Seeing our surroundings on a bicycle gave me a totally different perspective.  I was very scared of running 13.1 miles, as my longest race was only 8K.  But, biking the course gave me confidence.  Yes, I could do it!  I had been running for a few months prior between 5 – 7 miles each day, with a longer run (10 – 12 miles) over the weekend.  So I knew my body could do it, but mentally I needed reassurance. On race day I was a nervous wreck.  The starting time for the half marathon was 30 minutes after the marathon race.  Seeing …

Stuff We Love: Birthdays

Do not regret getting older. It is a privilege denied to many. –Unknown It may be hard to believe that we three women love birthdays, but it’s true. People lie about their ages or lament they are another year older, but for us, we cherish birthdays. Although there are newly discovered white hairs or the growing prominence of crow’s feet on the same day every year, they mean little compared to the lessons, experiences, and new-found wisdom acquired during the course of the year, so we get together to mark these milestones with yummy food and awesome company Happy birthday to you, no matter when your birthday may be… We wish you another year of wellness, love, laughs, and adventure!

Hidden Treasures

Books are the quietest and most constant of friends; they are the most accessible and wisest of counselors, and the most patient of teachers.  ~Charles W. Eliot I am a huge fan of used bookstores. I absolutely love them. There’s something about the smell of old musty books; the thrill of discovering hidden treasures; and the pleasure of spending a fraction of the price for a great book that brings so much delight to my inner nerd. There is something magical about wandering the isles and sifting through a pile of books, hoping to find rare and unexpected treasures. Time seems to escape me as I read though book jackets, excerpts and notes. Sometimes I’ll find forgotten notes, receipts or an event ticket stub stuck between pages with handwritten scribbles. I often find myself wondering about the history of the book and of its previous owner. The idea that someone else read this book, probably enjoyed it and took the time to underline passages they thought were important fascinates me. Endless shelves of history–that’s what …

Stuff We Love: Therapeutic Essentials

Allow me to preface the following information presented in this blog post with this: I am NOT a doctor. My personal experiences with therapeutic essential oils are presented for informational purposes. Anyone suffering from any disease, illness, or injury should consult a qualified health care professional. It has been said that essential oils were mankind’s first medicine. They were used in variety of applications including pain relief, mood enhancement and increased cognitive function. So It is no surprise that modern day holistic spas and health centers incorporate the use of therapeutic and aromatic oils to treat mind, body and spirit. I was recently introduced to therapeutic grade essential oils earlier this year by my friend, Linda, who is a dōTERRA representative. Prior to my exposure to dōTERRA products, I had very little knowledge on essential oils. Let’s just say that I could distinguish different scents, but I couldn’t to tell you what each oil is used for, or the varying methods of treatment. After our initial meeting, I received a few sample vials and a …

A Recovering K-Drama Addict’s Top 10

5 years ago, I had to stop watching Korean dramas (K-dramas) because of the amount of time I was spending not sleeping and barely being able to concentrate on anything else other than what I was caught up watching. It’s a good thing, considering my life has gotten so much busier and to be honest, I didn’t enjoy how emotionally invested I was becoming that I didn’t want to leave the house. So now, no more staying up until 3 am on a ridiculously early Saturday morning, convincing myself to watch “just one more episode”. No more buying boxed sets of subtitled dramas. Nope, that’s it. Don’t get me wrong, I do miss a good drama every now and then, but now I can only minimally commit, which means, I start a few episodes and once I decide I’d like to see how it ends, I head over to Drama Beans to finish the series by reading episode summaries. I also watch Korean movies, or an episode of my favorite Korean variety show, Running Man, instead. The time commitment is …

The Magic List

“Did you get your name on the list?”  They ask. “What list?”  I reply. “You know, THE list.” They respond. That pretty much is how a couple of my conversations begin when I meet a new mom.  I had no idea that I was going to have to start worrying about what pre-school my baby was going to attend for another few years.  When she was born I was already told, you better call and get your baby’s name on the list.  I know education is important, but the fact that some parents put their name on the pre-school list even before they have confirmed that they have conceived is truly amazing. When I started to call around Hilo, I found that there are some preschools that have a set academic curriculum.  I thought pre-school was about socializing and having fun.  I look back at the photos of when I attended pre-school and they are of me and the other kids visiting the community, such as Life Care Center, or making crafts.  But, I guess …

Stuff We Love: Spirulina Popcorn

Most people I know don’t take to the taste of spirulina right off the bat. It’s an acquired taste, but although it’s strong, the taste can be tempered by finding foods and combinations that work to compliment its flavor. I first found out about spirulina popcorn 5 years ago, while browsing the local health food store and stumbling across bags produced by a now defunct Hawai’i company. I’d heard the buzz about spirulina, so I decided to give it a shot. When I cracked open the bag, I was pleasantly surprised. It wasn’t as bad as I thought it’d be. In fact, the natural saltiness on popcorn was yummy. It was time to invest in a bottle of locally made spirulina and give it a go. The directions are simple, pop your popcorn (naked popcorn is best, meaning no salt, no butter), add about 2 teaspoons of spirulina powder, toss, and eat. It’s a perfect, healthy snack. It’s a little messy, and you’ll be seeing traces of green around your lips and in your fingernails long …