Month: February 2014

Two Cents Tuesday Challenge: Shoes

I jumped with glee at the theme for TCT Challenge. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE shoes.  I think my husband can tell you I have one too many compared to his minimalist collection. Lately I have found that I prefer wearing comfortable shoes that a friend refers to as my “hippie” shoes.  When I was younger I wanted to look the part of a fashionista, so you could find me wearing heels of all sizes.  I think it all started when I lived in South America. I wanted to fit in, so I would regularly wear a pair of heels.  It didn’t matter if I was running down to the store to pick up some fruits, or heading to class, or going out with friends, I was always in a pair of heels (closed toe, open toe or boots).  Now, only on special occasions will I put on a pair of heels. Since I don’t care as much about looking the part of a fashionista, I am usually sporting a pair of comfortable flat shoes or sandals. …

Don’t Forget to Breathe

“Taking one down… faking a smile with coffee to go.” David Powter’s song, Bad Day, was playing on the radio; the timing was uncanny. I had slept through my morning alarm, and I was late for work.  As I traveled down Kawaihae road in a frenzied state, I managed to spill hot coffee on my white blouse and all over the cars center console. A series of colorful “words” quickly ensued. “This is going to be a long day,” I thought to myself. And it was. I spend a lot of time on the road commuting between jobs and devote many hours working through occupational hurdles in my head. Sometimes turning-off the “work switch” can be difficult; that seemed to be the case on this particular day. En route to my second job in North Kohala, the large number of humpback whale sightings took me aback. Whales breeched every 6-10 miles and spouts reached 10 feet high. At that moment Mat Kearney’s song Breathe In Breathe Out blared through the car sound system: “Breathe in breathe out…breathe in …

Weekly Photo Challenge: Threes

We walked along the shoreline of the Yongmeori Coast on Jeju-do, South Korea, and stopped at a make-shift station operated by two women selling fresh seafood. Large plastic basins were filled with cool water to keep loads of brown conch and bright orange sea squirts alive. Bottles of beer were also strategically and suggestively placed in the basins to entice visitors. We decided to indulge in the experience and as we waited, the women cracked open the conches and cut into the sea squirts, slicing them up for us to enjoy al fresco. It was the first time we tried these two foods and were all pleasantly surprised at how yummy they actually were. If we had been free of responsibilities after our little excursion, we might’ve indulged in ice cold beers as well. Oh well… There’s always a next time. Weekly Photo Challenge: Three

Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge: The Color Orange

One of my favorite colors is ORANGE!  Especially during a sunset.  During my visit to Rapa Nui, I had an opportunity to witness six sunsets.  I captured one of my favorite sunsets from this trip on the day we decided to just veg on the beach near the moai with some other locals. While traveling in Concordia, Argentina, I went with a few friends to drink some mate along the lake.  As the afternoon came to an end, we were surrounded by a beautiful orange glow of the sunset along the lake of Salto Grande. Check out the other blogs participating in Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge this week:

Spring is in the air

Living in Hawai’i, it is difficult to differentiate between the seasons.  However, in beautiful Kamuela, there are lovely Cherry Blossom trees lined up near “Church Row“.  These magnificent trees are now in bloom and we know its a sign of Spring.  It’s quite lovely to see the vibrant pink flowers contrast with the deep blues of the sky. In Hilo, we know Spring is approaching when the entire town is getting ready for the sold-out Merrie Monarch Festival.  This hula festival kicks off on Easter Sunday.  MM also means CRAFT FAIRS.  I love browsing through all the items sold at the craft fairs representing local artists as well as international artisans. I am excited that Spring is here which also means that Summer is fast approaching. Check out the other blogs participating in Bastet’s Pixelventures this week:

“Yong Jess”

Ah, sweet youth. No matter whether you grew up sporting a fedora, penny loafers, poodle skirts, bell-bottoms, leg-warmers, skinny jeans, Madonna-inspired net shirts and rosaries, goth garb, a spiky mohawk, or even a wave that would put the Bieber to shame, you made a fashion statement, unique to you. Describe your favorite fashions from days of yore or current trends you think are stylin’.    I grew up as a girly girl and my mom would go to great lengths to stylishly coordinate my outfits from head to toe. Of all my clothes, my favorites were dresses that weren’t necessarily Hawaiian muʻumuʻu, but more casual floor length dresses that were popular at the time. Everytime I said I wanted to wear my “yong jess”, it’d be met with an exasperated sigh, but my mother would eventually cave. Floor length dresses were far more appealing to me than shorter ones, probably because all that material hid my scrawny legs, yet also made me feel like a princess. I instantly feel more feminine with a floor-length dress. It …

DP: Never Gonna Give You Up

You. We know *you* are vice-free, dear Daily Post reader. But, or perhaps we should say, “butt,” others around you and in your life are riddled with vices: they smoke; they eat too much celery; they hog the covers; they can’t keep their hands out of the office candy bowl. Which vice or bad habit can you simply not abide in others? Photographers, artists, poets: show us VICE. My husband has been a smoker for 20 years. His addictive habit is a sensitive subject in our household. We manage to keep the peace in our home by sticking to a few ground rules that require much effort on his part to keep our shared living quarters smoke-free: Rule 1: Husband shall not smoke around Wife. Rule 2: Husband must eliminate any/all traces of smoke from clothing, hands and breath before snuggling with Wife. Rule 3: Smoking is prohibited within 20 feet radius of shared dwelling. Rule 4: There should be no evidence of cigarette butts in or around the home and cars. Rule 5: DO NOT ask …

Tough Love

Seeing someone you love lying helpless on a hospital bed, attached to beeping machines and wearing a vomit-green gown will force you to reflect on your relationship with them. Why is it that times of tribulation are often the rare moments in life that provide pure clarity? Ever since I can remember, my grandma has always been hard on me. She shakes her head in disapproval when I come into her house with wet hair. She gasps when I jab my plate in attempt to use hashi. She forcefully offers me food until I concede, then criticizes my less than dainty appetite. My anti-red meat, vegetarian, gluten-free and vegan weight loss antics are constantly a topic of amusement to her. My grandmother isn’t a cold woman, but she never allows herself to be vulnerable. She has never told me that she loves me, that she’s proud of me, or that I’m beautiful. She’s never embraced me in her arms, combed my hair, sang to me, or shared stories from her childhood—all of the things my …

Weekly Photo Challenge: Treasure

After a decade of saving money and being indecisive about style, this lauhala hat found me two years ago. I had fallen in love with it, even before the staff at Kimura Lauhala Shop in Holualoa mentioned that the hat was made by a master lauhala weaver, Aunty Josephine Kaukali Fergerstrom, who was named as a Living Treasure of Hawaiʻi in 2011. One of these days, that hat will be passed on to someone in my family and I hope the next owner will treasure it as much as I do. Weekly Photo Challenge: Treasure |

Two Cents Tuesday Challenge: Loyalty

Growing up as an only child I learned to play on my own and figure out life lessons with minimal help. Now as an adult I have fostered some amazing friendships that even I cannot believe I have gained. I am not sure how I have been blessed with the people in my life, but am totally grateful. Throughout my pregnancy, I was living on cloud nine. I didn’t know what to expect nor how to prepare for raising a child. My friends jumped in to help prepare the nursery with all the necessities, showered me with gifts, and made sure the nest was ready for the first few months after delivery, that I refer to as the hibernation period. Through it all, I know I can count on my pals whom I’ve known for over a decade. Some as far back as college, and a few even further back as grade school. Friends who have stuck with you during all the seasons of life are able to know how to be there for you …

Shoulda, Coulda, Woulda

Tell us about something you know you should do . . . but don’t. I can never remember my husband’s birthday. I always think it’s 2 days earlier than it really is and what ensues is the following conversation, which has happened more than I care to admit. Me: “Hey, it’s your birthday…” Him: “…” Me: “… soon. Yay!!” I really need to either memorize it or put his special day in my calendar. With a reminder. Wait, tomorrow is Valentine’s Day, isn’t it? Uh-oh.