Carolina, Food, Nostalgia, Post Every Day, Transitions

Colorful clutter

Just like a bowl of bright-colored Jelly Belly candy, I seem to look cheerful on the outside.  But lately, I have been a combustion of different moods probably because I have so much clutter in my head.  It’s times like these that I love grabbing a handful of jelly beans.  You just never know what flavor you will sweetly savor in your mouth.  I hope to soon sort and organize all my thoughts so I won’t feel like a bowl of jelly beans.

Check out the other blogs participating in Bastet’s Pixelventures prompt –  MOODS.


  1. Just find enough time to sort and throw out the flavors you don’t like before you reach into that bowl. Then it won’t really matter what flavor you get after that since you’ll like all of them. Everything will be savor worthy without any fear of getting hit with an unpalatable flavor making the whole experience a whole lot more enjoyable. (You realize I’m speaking metaphorically, right?) Take care!

    • Mahalo for the wise tip. I always enjoy your mom sharing with me a few great plans of action, too. Must run in the family. 😍 yeah am hoping I can simplify and make things less chaotic.

  2. Nice…love those colors…though I think I would probably take liane’s suggestion… 😉 Thanks for participating once again!

  3. Pingback: Pixelventures Photo Finish! March 19, 2014 | We Drink Because We're Poets

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