All posts tagged: Used book

Hidden Treasures

Books are the quietest and most constant of friends; they are the most accessible and wisest of counselors, and the most patient of teachers.  ~Charles W. Eliot I am a huge fan of used bookstores. I absolutely love them. There’s something about the smell of old musty books; the thrill of discovering hidden treasures; and the pleasure of spending a fraction of the price for a great book that brings so much delight to my inner nerd. There is something magical about wandering the isles and sifting through a pile of books, hoping to find rare and unexpected treasures. Time seems to escape me as I read though book jackets, excerpts and notes. Sometimes I’ll find forgotten notes, receipts or an event ticket stub stuck between pages with handwritten scribbles. I often find myself wondering about the history of the book and of its previous owner. The idea that someone else read this book, probably enjoyed it and took the time to underline passages they thought were important fascinates me. Endless shelves of history–that’s what …